Do Eyelash Extensions Hurt? Why and How to Fix them?

7 min readMar 21, 2024

Eyelash extensions are the most popular way to achieve fuller and longer lashes. But a question remains in the mind of first-timers: do eyelash extensions hurt? Well, for some people, discomfort or even pain can be a reality after getting eyelash extensions. Knowing the reason why this happens is important for a safe and enjoyable experience.

The article will mention the causes of eyelash extension discomfort and provide effective solutions to fix these issues. Whether you’re getting eyelash extensions for the first time or have already experienced discomfort, we’ll help you navigate through any pain or worries.

Let’s start and find out why you’re experiencing discomfort and how to fix it. Pain-free and gorgeous lashes await!

Why Lash Extensions Hurt During the Appointment?

Knowing the signs of discomfort during an eyelash extension appointment and the reasons behind them is important for a successful and comfortable experience.

Let’s have a look at the symptoms to look for during the treatment and the possible causes of pain felt during an eyelash extension session.

Signs of Discomfort During a Lash Extension Appointment

During an eyelash extension appointment, there can be many signs of discomfort may arise, including:

  • Eyelid pain: Stinging pain or a tingling sensation on the eyelids.
  • Pulling sensation: Feeling a tugging on the lash line or damage to your natural lashes.
  • Irritation in eyes: A burning sensation or chemical burn should be transient and mild. If it persists, it’s advisable to have the lashes removed.

Reasons Why Lash Extensions Hurt During an Appointment

Several factors can contribute to discomfort during a lash extension appointment, including:

  1. Craftsmanship: Poor technique by the lash technician, such as mistakes in application or curing of the glue, can lead to pain during the treatment.
  2. Inferior products: The use of low-quality lash products by the technician, including extensions, primers, cleansers, and tapes, can cause adverse reactions during the treatment session.
  3. Crying and opening the eyes: Irritation may cause tears, leading to rapid polymerization of the lash glue and premature extension popping off. Opening the eyes during the treatment, especially when the lash glue is fresh, can result in irritation due to adhesive vapors entering the eyes.
  4. Adjustment: Having the eyes closed for the duration of the appointment may cause dryness and discomfort. Also, bright lights used by the technician for better visibility can cause mild discomfort, requiring a few minutes to adjust.

By understanding these signs and reasons, individuals can take proactive steps to get a more comfortable and successful professional eyelash extensions experience.

Why Lash Extensions Hurt After the Appointment?

Eye pain after a lash extension session may not solely be the fault of the lash technician. It’s important to understand the type of pain that can occur after a lash session and the reasons behind it.

Signs of Discomfort After a Lash Extension Session

Following an eyelash extension appointment, you might experience discomfort in the form of:

  • Itchiness: Itchy lash line or eyelids, potentially indicating conditions like blepharitis.
  • Swollen: Inflammation and soreness, typical symptoms of an allergic reaction to the lash adhesive.
  • Tangled: Twisted and tangled eyelashes after washing, which should be temporary.
  • Eye infection: Symptoms such as pain and redness indicate a possible bacterial infection like a sty.
  • Uneasiness: Feeling heaviness, length, or thickness, causing discomfort when opening and closing the eyes.
  • Bloodshot eyes: Development of red eyeballs, possibly accompanied by pain, a few days after the lash extension treatment.

Reasons Your Lash Extensions Hurt After the Appointment

Several factors can contribute to discomfort after a lash extension appointment, such as:

  1. Insufficient adhesion: Improper attachment of lash extensions to natural lashes, leading to discomfort and potential harm.
  2. Clumping: Applying a single extension to multiple natural lashes can cause clumping and discomfort when opening and closing the eyes.
  3. Extension choice: The selection of inappropriate extensions in length, thickness, and shape leads to discomfort.
  4. Excess glue: Excessive lash glue application can lead to chemical burns, irritation, and redness after the appointment.
  5. Allergic reaction: Adverse reactions to lash adhesive ingredients can result in inflammation, redness, itching, and contact dermatitis.
  6. Improper cleaning: A poor cleansing routine can lead to debris accumulation around the lash line, causing discomfort and pain.
  7. Damaging lash extension removal: Self-removal of lash extensions, causing pain irritation, and damage to your natural lashes.
  8. Corneal abrasion: Scratching of the cornea by lash extensions, leading to severe discomfort and potential eye damage.
  9. Sparse application: Improper placement of lash extensions, causing twisting, drooping, and pain around the eye.
  10. Extensions glued to the skin: The incorrect attachment of lash extensions to the skin can lead to discomfort and potential damage to your natural lashes.

Realizing these signs and reasons can help individuals proactively address and prevent discomfort after lash extensions appointment.

Why Do Eyelash Extensions Hurt at the Root?

When the root of your eyelashes is in pain, it is often due to poor application by your lash technician. Attaching lash extensions too close to the skin can result in discomfort and pulling as your natural lashes grow. To address this issue:

  • Talk to your lash technician immediately about the problem and request the removal of the extensions.
  • Stress the importance of maintaining a small gap of about 1 mm between the extension and the skin during future applications to prevent discomfort.

Why Do My Eyelash Extensions Hurt When I Blink?

If you experience pain when blinking with your lash extensions, it is likely because the extensions are too long and hitting your eyelid. Lash extensions need to be sized appropriately for your natural lashes, avoiding excessive length that can lead to discomfort. Heavy extensions can cause discomfort and strain on your natural lashes. To solve this issue:

  • Visit the salon where you got the extensions and have them adjusted to a suitable length.
  • Make sure that the weight of the extensions is suitable for your natural lashes to avoid discomfort and pulling.

Why Do My Eyelash Extensions Hurt When I Touch Them?

Discomfort when touching your lash extensions is often caused by extensions that have become stuck together. It occurs when the lash technician uses excessive glue or fails to properly isolate your natural lashes. You may experience a pulling sensation when attempting to separate the lashes. To correct this issue:

  • Return to your lash technician and request the removal and replacement of the clumped extensions.
  • Let experts use proper isolation techniques for your lash extensions to ensure that future extensions are applied without discomfort.

Why Are My Eyelash Extensions Poking Me?

If your lash extensions are poking you, it is likely because they are too long for your natural lashes. This causes your natural lashes to bend and twist, resulting in poking sensations. Sometimes, you may experience poking sensations after a few days or weeks as your natural lashes begin to grow. To resolve this issue:

  • You can have the extensions replaced with shorter ones that match the length of your natural lashes for a more comfortable fit.
  • Confirm that your lash technician pays close attention to the appropriate length and placement of the extensions to avoid poking and discomfort.

What to Do When Your Lash Extensions Are Hurting?

The eyes, being one of the most delicate parts of the body, can cause substantial concern when lash extensions start causing discomfort, itching, swelling, poking, or irritation.

In such a situation, it is important to take the following steps for resolution:

  • Inform the lash technician: The first and foremost action to take is to contact your lash technician. The lash artist will analyze the possible causes of the discomfort, whether it is due to the glue, lash products, or their application techniques.
  • Visit the lash salon for inspection: If you continue to experience persistent pain or discomfort from your lash extensions, it is likely necessary to return to the salon for a thorough inspection. The lash artist will carefully evaluate the situation and may recommend the careful removal of the extensions to alleviate the discomfort.
  • Consult an eye doctor if necessary: In some cases, if the condition worsens or persists, it may be advisable to seek guidance from an eye doctor. It is important to note that the doctor’s assistance can only be effective once the irritating factor, namely the lash extensions, has been removed.

Remember: Prioritize the health and well-being of your eyes. Take professional advice and follow the recommended steps to handle any discomfort caused by lash extensions and ensure the best possible outcome.

Final Thoughts for Eyelash Extensions Safety!

Remember that eyelashes extension treatments should be painless and comfortable. If you experience any pain during or after your appointment, you must not hesitate to communicate it to your lash technician. They have the ability to adjust or remove the extensions as needed. You are in control of your lash experience and should never be afraid to speak up if something feels wrong.

Choosing a certified lash technician who follows proper hygiene and safety protocols is crucial for a positive experience. Regular communication with your artist and proper maintenance can prevent discomfort or pain and ensure the health and appearance of your lash extensions.

By following these guidelines, you can enjoy the benefits of lash extensions without any discomfort or pain. It is advisable to schedule the consultation with the lash artist first and then book your lash appointment for positive experiences.




Manager at an eyelash extension Salon in the USA